Initial am zis sa refuz politicos dar dupa ce saracul om s-a straduit sa ma serveasca,sa imi prepare bautura ,clar nu era chip de refuzat... Nu am reusit decat sa beau un sfert din continutul licorii si deja ma luase o stare de bine,dar in acelasi timp ma luase o stare aiurea de stomac.M-am hotarat sa arunc restul bauturii si sa ma duc poiliticioasa sa ii dau cana innapoi omului.I-am multumit,i am spus ca imi place si c'est la vie! Pentru ca aceasta cana in care a fost preparata bautura era una anume,din lut parca si se servea bautura sorbind dintr un soi de lingurita-pai. Canita era rosie,cu margini argintii, exact ca in poza atasata,desi poza nu imi apartine,e luata de pe Wikipedia.
Din pacate a fost o zi super full la work,nu am reusit sa stau de vorba putin cu el si sa il intreb de unde a procurat aceasta bautura. Din ce am reusit sa sesizez avea o punga mare,cam de marimea unei pungi de cereale,plina cu particule gen pentru infuzie de ceai.
Mie mi-a dat impresia de a fi un ceai cu aroma mult mai puternica,intepatoare aproape si deloc familiar papilelor mele gustative.
Iata ce spune si wikipedia despre aceasta bautura:
Mate (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈmate]), also known as chimarrão (Portuguese: [ʃimaˈʁɐ̃w̃]) or cimarrón, is a traditional South American infused drink, particularly in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, southern states of Brazil, south of Chile, the Bolivian Chaco, and two countries in the Middle East; Syria and Lebanon. It is prepared from steeping dried leaves of yerba mate (llex paraguariensis, known in Portuguese as erva mate) in hot water.
Mate is served with a metal straw from a shared hollow calabash gourd. The straw is called a bombilla in some Latin American countries, a bomba in Portuguese, and a bombija or in general a masassa (type of straw) in Arabic. The straw is traditionally made of silver. Modern commercially available straws are typically made of nickel silver, called Alpaca, stainless steel, or hollow-stemmed cane. The gourd is known as a mate or a guampa, while in Brazil it has the specific name of cuia. Even if the water comes in a very modern thermos, the infusion is traditionally drunk from mates or cuias.
As with other brewed herbs, yerba mate leaves are dried, chopped, and ground into a powdery mixture called yerba. The bombilla acts as both a straw and a sieve. The submerged end is flared, with small holes or slots that allow the brewed liquid in, but block the chunky matter that makes up much of the mixture. A modern bombilla design uses a straight tube with holes, or spring sleeve to act as a sieve.
"Tea-bag" type infusions of mate (mate cocido) have been on the market in Argentina for many years under such trade names as "Cruz de Malta" and in Brazil under the name "Mate Leão". This is considered a completely different drink, and is never drunk on "cuias" or called "chimarrão", nor is it associated with the "gaúcha" culture.
Nu stiu daca as mai avea curajul sa beau din nou mate pentru ca nu prea mi-a placut si simteam la un moment dat particulele alea,aceeasi senzatie ca si cand ai avea zat de cafea atunci cand vrei sa bei doar cafeaua.... Oricum mate nu e nici pe departe exact ca un ceai obisnuit sau exact cum e aroma cafelei.
Anyway tot facand comparatie cu aroma cafelei,postul asta mi-a adus aminte de nessul Amigo de care mi s-a facut acum pofta instant .Cel mai bun ness baut,care din pacate nu il gasesc decat la noi,nu si aici.Sper totusi sa mai existe si la noi ,sa nu fi disparut.
Voi ati baut mate?