News from Sleek Make Up: Me, Myself & Eye - The i-Divine for every Fashionista

 Hey girls!
Inca o paletuta Sleek Make Up nou aparuta in editie limitata:  Me, Myself & Eye care a fost lansata ieri:

"It’s the ultimate collaboration of beauty and fashion: Sleek MakeUP has teamed up with fashion house PPQ to produce the makeup looks for PPQ’s London fashion week show. The  Me, Myself & Eye I-Divine is the result of a mutual admiration of colour, texture and vibrancy! Taking inspiration from PPQ’s S/S 2012 theme, the palette is a heavy mix of pattern and colour to toughen up feminine summer silhouettes making it the ultimate accessory for every self-confessed fashionista and beauty lover! Packed with an array of brilliant bolds, with matte and shimmer eye colours, you can create endless looks from smoky black, to glistening and gold. The finishing touch is PPQ’s renowned naughty sense of humour, with eye shadow names like Lilac Allen, Primal Green and Barry White!
Me, Myself & Eye is an online exclusive and a limited edition product"

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