Am primit insa o mostra destul de consistenta din acest produs de la dear Gia, asadar am reusit sa o testez cam pentru 3 saptamani! Rezultatul? Nu cel asteptat.
Sa incepem cu prezentarea oficiala de pe site,a acestui produs:
Superconcentrated Anticellulite Treatment*° |
with active Micro-Patch® |
Innovative, easy to use and extraordinarily effective, this is the most widely sold anticellulite product in perfumeries°. It owes its success to the exclusive Micro-Patch®, which guarantees double effectiveness: • Allows an extremely high concentration of active anticellulite principles to be carried through the skin and released gradually during the night, when the skin tissues are the most receptive to treatment and the active ingredients are more readily absorbed. • Wraps the body in an invisible ‘reshaping sheath’ which makes it instantly smoother and more compact. The exceptional effectiveness of the formula is guaranteed by a superconcentrate of powerful anti-cellulite substances. Caffeine and carnitine help to reduce localised accumulations. Escine and extracts of ivy and butcher’s broom intensify the nightly draining of liquids. Thanks to its special concentration, just a few drops applied to the areas affected with cellulite are necessary to obtain visible results from the very first morning. Formulated especially for night-time use, it is ideal either as an individual treatment or as a additional treatment to accelerate the results of daytime anticellulite treatments. Night after night the effects of cellulite are progressively reduced and after one month of treatment the silhouette appears completely remodelled. Scientifically proven effectiveness: 80% of the women claimed it reduced the circumference of the thigh and diminished the orange peel effect." |
Continut produs: 200ml.
Din punctul meu de vedere nu e o crema tratament senzationala pentru tratarea celulitei.Nu e cu mult mai buna fata de Supliform de exemplu! E o crema ieftina si buna pentru cat costa ea (9 RON),fata de crema Collistar care costa intre 35-40 euro! La banii astia imi pot cumpara destule tuburi de Cellulight Elmiplant si ma voi declara multumita.
Collistar face intr-adevar pielea mai neteda si mai ferma,dar celulita nu pare sa dispara de la locul ei!Aspectul de "coaja de portocala" pare ca ramane. Cu siguranta efortul fizic,exercitiile,putina sala si un regim de viata mai sanatos vor fi solutia ideala pentru rezolvarea acestei probleme.
Evident nu te poti astepta la nici o schimbare radicala din partea la orice firma.Daca ceva este foarte bun,cu siguranta nu va fi durabil! Produsul ala te va ajuta sa iit rezolvi problema atata timp cat il folosesti,deci efectul va fi temporar.Parerea asta o am vis-a-vis de orice fel de crema,nu neaparat cremele tratament anticelulitice.
Voi ati folosit-o? Care e parerea voastra raportat la aceste creme anticelulitice?
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